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HND Creative Industries students at our Clydebank campus are working with West Dunbartonshire Council to record interviews with the people of the area to create an archive that will tell the story of its people, in their own words.

Dumbarton Group 1b

These aren’t the stories that usually get written down, but they are the stories of real working and family lives, and that’s why West College Scotland students are so keen make sure they’re never lost.

To this end West Dunbartonshire Council recently received funding from the Heritage Lottery Fund to record the oral history of its residents, with a particular focus on the rich industrial heritage of the area. For decades, well-known companies like Singer and Cunard, and lesser known companies like Tullis, Westclox, and Burroughs, shaped the history of the area, and the lives of its people.

 The working lives of the people of West Dunbartonshire are rich with stories, and there’s no better way to hear these than from those who lived them, as students have been finding out. West College Scotland students are working hard on this project, encouraged by the chance to create something lasting, and amazed by the stories they have heard.

The project is creating an archive that will preserve the lives of past generations for future generations. Rhys Gilmartin, HND Creative Industries student from Dumbarton, is thrilled to be creating something lasting.

“I am thrilled to have been given a chance to learn more about the history of the local area. It’s a great project and I’m pleased to be able to use and develop my skills on something of real importance, that will really last.”

Rikki Lee Burton, HND Creative Industries student living in Clydebank, had no idea that the stories they would hear would be so interesting, stories of war time work in particular.

“Working on this project has really expanded my knowledge of West Dunbartonshire. I wasn’t aware of just how important these industries were, or how many amazing stories the people who worked here had to tell. We’ve heard stories from as far back as the 1940s, and it was particularly interesting to hear about people’s work during the war. It seems so long ago now, but speaking to people who lived through it brought it close.”

However the stories recorded don’t have to be about wartime or anything unusual, it’s the everyday aspects that Eilidh McGown, Student from Helensburgh, is finding the most interesting.

“The project has been really enjoyable throughout. It’s expanded my knowledge of West Dunbartonshire and the surrounding areas, and I’ve had the chance to not only meet some lovely men and women, but have the privilege to hear them talk about their amazing experiences, in work, during the war, and at home. Just the other day I interviewed a man who worked at Dennystown Forge and it was so interesting – the stories these people have are incredible, and they talk like it’s nothing at all. Each week is an exciting journey, and I’m constantly surprised and enthralled.”

The project is run by West Dunbartonshire Council, but they were keen to involve West College Scotland and its students, to help share these stories with a younger generation.

Andrew J. Graham, Collections Officer – Heritage Team, Culture & Creative Learning, West Dunbartonshire Council:

“This is part of West Dunbartonshire Council’s ‘Exploring Our Archives’ project, funded by the Heritage Lottery Fund. The aim is to record the oral histories of our residents and their experiences of local industries. It is vital to record these histories as a lasting testament to a time when West Dunbartonshire was a global powerhouse of industry, a time that our residents should be proud of. West College Scotland and its students are providing vital support and we are delighted to work with them, together creating a resource that can be used in education of other students, in reminiscence sessions, and for historical research. The assistance of the students has been invaluable to the project, as well providing them with a fantastic experience of their own – one they in turn can share with the generations that follow them.”

The project has been a great success for West College Scotland students, a chance to use the skills they’ve learned on a practical project that is of real worth.

Kate Cotter, Design & Media Lecturer, West College Scotland - Clydebank Campus:

“This is a project of historical significance, and together with the people of West Dunbartonshire, our students are creating an archive that will be a fantastic resource for years to come."

"This is a very exciting opportunity for our students - professionally beneficial, and personally rewarding. We are delighted to be collaborating with West Dunbartonshire Council and hope this project can continue for many years to come.”