Take your career or business to the next level
Management & Leadership Short Course
Lean Six Sigma Executive Awareness Program
Understanding and Developing Resilience
Conflict Management and Resolution
Situational Leadership: Providing Leadership for Different Situations
Promoting Equality of Opportunity, Diversity and Inclusion
Creating a High Performing Team
Engaging in Safety Conversations
Strategy, Corporate Responsibility and Ethics
The Mastering 1st line management series
Handling difficult people, situations and conversations
Increasing your personal resilience
Managing Performance, Managing Behaviour
Personal Presence and Making an Impact
Spotting and Managing Mental Health Issues
Absence and Disciplinary Management
Management & Leadership Professional Qualifications
We offer a range of CMI and ILM courses in Marketing and Leadership . Strategic level management and leadership courses to SCQF 11 can be delivered by arrangement.
CMI Award in First Line Management SCQF Level 6
CMI in Management & Leadership - Award, Certificate and Diploma
Book-Keeping and Accounting Software for Beginners
Professional Development Award (PDA) in Book-Keeping
Assessor Qualifications
Assess Workplace Competence Using Direct and Indirect Methods (L&D9DI)
PDA Internally Monitor and Maintain the Quality of Workplace Assessment (L&D11)
Embrace The Space (social media for businesses)
Project Management
Project Management Fundamentals
City and Guilds Introduction to Trainer Skills (7300) Level 2
Award in Education and Training 6502
Delivering a Quality Customer Experience
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Supercharge Your Employees Success with Meta Skills Training
How Artificial Intelligence (AI) Can Help Your Business Stay Ahead in a Competitive Marketplace
Introduction to Personal Health, Wellness, Fitness and Training
Introduction to British Sign Language for Front Line Staff
Our courses are designed to empower you to meet the challenges businesses face today. Equipped with the right skills, you can step up the career ladder or drive your business forward in the fiercely competitive global marketplace.
We can help you learn and adopt the latest project management methods, the most efficient leadership styles and the best communications techniques which will enable you to become the next guru in your field.
Are you looking for full time courses? Check out our course directory for our full range of study options through from entry level to HND:
Business, Administration & Accounting
Find out more and apply
To apply to our courses highlighted above or find out how we can best meet your specific needs, including by delivering tailor-made courses, please contact us.
Need funding? Visit our dedicated page to find out how you can get support.
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Industry Stories
At West College Scotland we're proud of the partnerships we've developed with many businesses over the years. We've helped develop people and products for large and small companie...
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Services for Business

Online Learning
Looking for a flexible way to study that suits your lifestyle and commitments? Our Online learning options are for you!
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