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Our HNC Games Development students were facing very challenging judges last week: primary school pupils. Kids were to select the best game developed by students as part of their Graded Unit.

Neon Knights Screenshot

The winning game “Neon Knights” is a hack ‘n’ slash platform game where medieval Scots are defending Scotland from an alien attack! Kids loved the graphics as well as the excellent gameplay.

The collaboration between Lochfield Primary School and our HNC Games Development classes began 10 weeks ago. Our students first went to the school to present their ideas for game. Based on the kids’ feedback, they were then able to improve their plans and start building the actual games accordingly. This provided our students with real clients – and some expert players to please when developing the games as part of their Graded Unit team project.

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HNC Games Development students presenting their ideas to Pupils at Lochfield Primary School

David Renton, Curriculum Quality Leader for Computing, said “This competition really helped motivate students and provided realism to their project. It also gave them a hard and fast release date for their games as the kids were going to be coming in to play and judge them on a set date. It was a valuable learning experience, especially in team work and project planning.”

Gary Malcolmson, HNC Games Development student, concurs: “Knowing we had the kids coming to college on a specific day to play the games meant we knew we couldn't miss the hand in. Long hours, late nights, and features being cut that we saw as desirable rather than necessary, all to deliver a game. Turns out that's what it’s like to be a developer...”

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Lochfield Primary School Pupils testing the games at our Paisley Campus Computing Lab

Not only did our students gain value from this project, it was also very enriching for the primary school pupils. They experienced college life and most said at the end of the project that they wanted to come to College after school. We’re looking forward to welcome them!

Marie Renton, Deputy Head at Lochfield primary school said: “This partnership between Lochfield Primary and West College Scotland is now in its fifth year and has great benefit to the students from both establishments.  It’s a fantastic career education opportunity for our pupils. The visits the College accommodates for them are very well organised and the kids leave feeling further education is something they are looking forward to. ”

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Top picture: Winning team and their game “Neon Knights” – Stuart Adams, Ben Tracy and Chris Moore (from left to right); Centre picture: Second place team and their game “The Highlanders” – Gary Malcolmson, Cameron Shields, Alistair Buchanan and Adam McGregor (from left to right; Bottom picture: Third place team and their game “The Brave One” – Ross Kelly, Adam Rae, Jake Courtney, Chris McGowan and Adrianna Kaminska (from left to right)