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The achievements of West College Scotland students and staff have been officially recognised in the Scottish Parliament.

Clydebank Graduation

The achievements of West College Scotland students and staff have been officially recognised in the Scottish Parliament.

A motion was tabled by West of Scotland MSP Stuart McMillan to mark the first of the College’s six graduation ceremonies.  It has since gained significant cross-party support from MSPs across Scotland.

College Principal, Audrey Cumberford said:

“This is well-deserved recognition of the hard work of our graduates, as well as their lecturers and the other College staff who supported them. Graduations are the most prestigious event in the College calendar, a fantastic opportunity to celebrate the hard work of our students and staff – and our Clydebank ceremony was no exception.  We are now looking forward to our ceremonies in Greenock and Paisley”

The full text of the Parliamentary motion is:

That the Parliament recognises the achievements of the West College Scotland; notes that its graduation and award ceremonies will take place at Clydebank Town Hall, Greenock Town Hall and Paisley Abbey on 5, 12 and 19 November 2015; understands that these are the most prestigious events in the college’s calendar; congratulates the students and staff on what it considers their hard work, and looks forward to their future achievements.

Picture above: West College Scotland Principal & Chief Executive, Audrey Cumberford, congratulating Graduates at the first of the College’s Graduation ceremonies, taking place this Thursday 5 November at Clydebank Town Hall.