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The Review looks at the many achievements of staff and students throughout the past 12 months and outlines the educational, social and economic contribution the College makes to the communities of the West of Scotland.

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"West College Scotland is uniquely placed to shape the educational landscape and play a leadership role across the West of Scotland.”

Those were the comments of Audrey Cumberford, West College Scotland Principal and Chief Executive, as the College released its Annual Review 2015.

The Review, looks at the many achievements of staff and students throughout the past 12 months and outlines the educational, social and economic contribution the College makes to the communities of the West of Scotland.

It reveals that West College Scotland provides 1 per cent of the West region’s total employment and adds £13 million per year to its annual economic output.

The document also details the many successes of students and staff, our international partnerships and the important work the College is doing with schools and employers in contributing to the Scottish Government‘s priority to reduce youth unemployment.  It is also packed with important statistics which give a sense of the large scale of the College.

Audrey continued:

“This is an important document.  It allows our stakeholders from community to government level to understand the range, depth and quality of our work. And it allows them to know the contribution we are making to the communities we serve.

We want to be seen as dynamic, vibrant and always at the forefront of educational innovation.  The Annual Review 2015 shows the progress we have made."

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Click on the image to read the full Annual Review.