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As part of our commitment to Internationalisation, we recently hosted a visit from one of our European Partners Business College SYD, in Sønderborg Denmark. WCS and SYD lecturers took part in a range of activities during a full week, focusing on the exchange of ideas and practice.

Danish Visitors Web

The visit was very valuable to all. The two members of staff from the Danish College, Ms Lis Lund Hansen who teaches English, German and international relations and Mr Peter Tanggård Hansen who teaches contemporary history, social science and international relations, were given the opportunity to examine and understand Learning and Teaching approaches used in West College Scotland. An enriching experience, as Peter points out:

A great program combined with a warm welcome made my stay a great experience, and I have learned many things that I can use in my further career as a teacher of young people

The visit’s outcome was also very positive for West College Scotland’s staff. Sharon Gardiner, Head of Sector Social Sciences, Science & Sport, reports:

The shadowing programme provided a valuable opportunity for our lecturers to exchange ideas and practice. Our students also enjoyed the opportunity of being able to ask questions about the culture and society of Denmark

Activities during the visit included:

  • Discussions on understanding the Scottish Education System and it’s framework
  • Sharing experiences of curriculum design and operations of the further education sector in both Scotland and Denmark
  • Discussions on National Agenda items impacting on the further education sector in both Scotland and Denmark
  • Taking part in a WCS regional seminar on Developing Scotland’s Young Workforce with school and local authority partners
  • Discussions on potential further collaboration between both partner institutions and development of European projects under the Erasmus+ programme.

In addition, Lis and Peter also spent time in their respective departments examining and overviewing materials used in delivery of ESOL and Social Sciences programmes and undertaking observations and shadowing of various different class groups in action.

A busy and fruitful visit as Jim McAllister, Head of Sector Hospitality, Tourism and Languages, points out:

It was a very intense and informative week for Lis and she gained huge awareness of our national systems and processes, as well as meeting and discussing with English teachers the learning and teaching issues we have in our country.  Lis has made some new contacts and will keep in touch to further develop our college relationship

International partnerships such as these, enabling staff and student exchanges, are at the heart of the Colleges commitment to be an institution with a truly global reach.  For more information relating to any European or international activities West College Scotland are involved in please contact Pamela Armstrong, International Manager at