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Mature student Derek Millar has proven that community learning was his ticket to success; allowing him to secure part time employment in less than 4 months from him starting his studies at West College Scotland’s Ferguslie Learning Centre.

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Derek aged 45 from Johnstone said although he had initial concerns about going back to study, they were quickly dispelled. Derek said, ‘I was referred to the Ferguslie Learning Centre back in August and although I was a bit apprehensive about coming back to study my concerns were alleviated straightaway.’

‘The centre is a great environment to learn in – very comfortable and welcoming. I had great people in my class groups and the lecturers were really supportive.’

Derek found the bite size community courses perfect for gaining his confidence. Derek explained, ‘The course went at a good pace – challenging but manageable all the same. I found it easier to do the smaller modules rather than committing myself to a full-time course which I imagine could be quite stressful. I came into the centre one day a week, and that was great for me.’ 

The Ferguslie Centre focuses on assisting community residents to gain skills, qualifications and experience so that they can move into work and provides a range of activities to engage with learners and increase the capacity of the Ferguslie and wider Renfrewshire communities. Courses are available in Communication, Customer Service, Selling Skills, Numeracy, Exploring Wellbeing, IT, Working with Others and many more.

Derek tells us about what he studied at Ferguslie and how he successfully gained certification in several courses. He said, ‘I started studying Moving on in IT and then Basic Customer Services units. I was very keen to get certification for these courses as I’d worked in the food and beverage industry for many years. It sounds silly, but it was important for me to get that piece of paper even though I had the practical skills. The Moving on in IT course I was pleasantly surprised to find that I was quite proficient which was a good feeling and managed to study Advanced European Computer Driving Licence (ECDL).

Derek who landed an administration position at Acumen, which advocates on behalf of mental health service users in the Argyll and Clyde Health Board area, says his College Community experience opened his eyes and doors to new possibilities.

‘From the units I managed to get a part-time admin job with Acumen. It’s been a great experience as I’ve been able to put into practice what I’ve learned so far.’

‘Derek is a perfect example of what learning in the community can do for an individual’, Kathleen Brown, Feguslie Learning Coordinator comments.

He’s experienced first-hand the benefits of learning which is just fantastic and not only has his confidence grown, but he has picked up some qualifications along the way which will enable him to reach his goal of eventually returning to work.

Derek concluded, ‘My community learning experience has been so good I’ve just started a new course in January. From that I’ll be able to see what I want to do after this, although I’m keen to start a photography module.  It’s been good to get out and get company during the week – it’s really made learning an enjoyable experience. Not only have I learned new skills, but I’ve improved the skills I already had.

There are no barriers or pressures in community learning. I’m looking forward to where Ferguslie will take me in 2016.’

For further information to find out what courses are available from the Ferguslie Community Learning Centre, click here or call Kathleen on 0141 842 1015.

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