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Read on to find out more about the upcoming Lecturers' Strikes.

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When are lecturers going on strike? 

Lecturers are going on strike on Thursday 17 March, as part of a national pay dispute. Other strike days are likely to follow, including the 22 and 23 March. 

Are my lessons cancelled on 17 March? 

Yes, they are. 

Do I still need to come to College on 17 March? 

No, you don’t. All students will be registered as having “authorised absence” for that day.

The College will be open but will only be able to provide a limited service to students. If you do come in, you can use the libraries to study and also the social areas and dining facilities.  But classrooms, workshops and labs will not open. The EIS will have pickets at each campus but they will not stop you coming into the campus if you wish to.

Could this cost me financially? 

No.  Because you will be registered as having “authorised absence”, you will not lose any bursary or EMA money, nor will you lose out on childcare or transport costs. 

I usually put my child in nursery.  Will the nurseries be open? 

Parents who use the nurseries at Greenock and Paisley will be communicated with directly by the Nursery Manager.

So what buildings will I be able to get access to? 

The following areas of the College will be open during the period of industrial action: 

  • Clydebank – Queens’ Quay (8.00am – 9.00pm)
  • Paisley – Renfrew Road (8.00am – 6.00pm)
  • Greenock – Finnart Street (8.00am – 9.00pm)

And what’s closed? 

The Greenock Waterfront campus will not open on 17 March. If you study at the Waterfront and want to come in on strike day, you can use the limited facilities available at Finnart Street. The Ferguslie Learning Centre in Paisley will not open. 

The College will keep you up to date with arrangements for future strike days via the Student Portal.  Please also check the College Facebook page and the Students’ Association Facebook account.