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On Friday 18th November, West College Scotland and contractors CBC Ltd welcomed local P7 pupils from Quarry Brae Primary to the B listed Parkhead School building site for a STEM and heritage construction skills day.

Quarry Brae Primary _Skills Day _Header

The pupils were introduced to computer modelling by conservation architect Scott Lindsay of Purcell, and given construction skills demonstrations by West College Scotland’s team, including sign writing paint work, leadwork, slating and joinery. The children also had the opportunity to have a go at each trade while being guided by the students and staff from West College Scotland.

Quarry Brae Primary _Skills Day _1

The event was initiated by Emma Griffiths, Director of Building Learning, Heritage Learning Consultancy, and supported by Glasgow City Heritage Trust.  All the partners were delighted by the roll-out of the day. Emma said:

It was a roaring success. Everyone, from pupils, teachers, Angela Thomas and myself as facilitators, and the CBC team, all really, really loved their day. It was such a success because everyone worked brilliantly together, were welcoming and generous with their expertise with those fabulous children.

Every pupil asked about their day was really positive about the experience:

One girl said “I think I might like to work in construction when I’m older”, and a boy exclaimed “I think this has been the best trip I’ve ever been on”.

Tommy Campbell, Head of Construction at West College Scotland said:

The team really worked hard to make this traditional skills day and STEM event such a success. The school were overwhelmed with our military style delivery and have commented on our professionalism. And, most importantly, the school pupils were engrossed with each of the activities.

This event was financially supported by the Parkhead Cross Townscape Heritage Initative (THI), which is funded by Glasgow City Council, Heritage Lottery Fund and Historic Environment Scotland.