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Staff and students at West College Scotland react to the transformation of an old college science lab.

Science Lab 4

Staff at the College’s Greenock campus gathered for the eagerly anticipated opening of the newly refurbished lab last month.

The £160,000 overhaul saw the lab transformed from what was a tired, outdated space with no IT access, to a state-of-the-art science learning facility with an adjoining IT lab room.

Curriculum and Quality Leader for Science at Greenock, Sandra Spence commented, “The science team are delighted with this new facility. We’d like to acknowledge the creative input of John Regan and the Estates Team in helping design such an effective learning environment. Staff and learners love working together in this modern, bright laboratory and it has significantly enhanced the student experience in the short time we’ve been using it”.

Speaking to Sharon Gardiner, Head of Social Sciences, Science and Sport, she commented, “We are thrilled with new reformed facilities. This new open learning space is an extremely beneficial resource for both staff and students, allowing lecturers to use creative teaching techniques whilst enabling the students to learn in different ways.”

Joining the celebrations was Principal, Audrey Cumberford who had the honorary role alongside Science student John Conning, of declaring the lab ‘open’ for teaching.

 Science Lab 3

Thirty-six year old student, John Conning from Kirn in Dunoon commented, “It was great to have been asked to attend the opening and I was really chuffed to have been asked to cut the ribbon.

It’s a lovely lab and a great environment to learn in.