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Jane McCarry and Mark Cox – aka Isa and Tam in Still Game – came to our Paisley Campus Photography studio for one of our HND Photography Portraiture projects last Wednesday.

Our students were thrilled to have this opportunity to practice the skills they've gained at the College with celebrities.

HND Photography student Alan McLean was lucky to pose with amazingly glamourous actor Jane McCarry.

Jane Mc Carry _Alan Mc Lean -Paisley -HND-Photo

Jane described Alan as “very professional with a calm manner” – Alan explained he was anything but calm photographing a people in the public eye. However, he really enjoyed the experience and got great pictures.

Robert Tabor, Curriculum & Quality Leader – Photography and Media, was delighted with this real life project for his students. He says:

It’s great for the students to have recognisable people in their portfolio and for the students to test their skills with real models.

Follow in our students' footsteps: apply for our Photography courses starting in August 208! Click here.