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Ainsley Williams from Bliss Beauty Salon in Gourock had a very special reason for learning Infant Massage at West College Scotland.

Ainsley Williams 2

As a successful business woman she knew she could offer infant massage within her local and wider community but not only that she was expecting a baby of her own while on the course.

Ainsley’s wish came true when she qualified as an infant massage therapist and gave birth to baby Pippa, her own gorgeous model for massage.

Speaking to Ainsley she said, “Working within the beauty industry and knowing the benefits that massage can have on adults I was interested to learn about the methods used for babies. How these soothing techniques can assist with bonding, help increase awareness of a babies needs and how it can help with conditions such as colic.”

Since completing the course, Ainsley has gone on to run her own successful baby massage classes in Fun World, Gourock. Ainsley continued,

“Having thoroughly enjoyed the course and witnessed first-hand the benefits it has, not just for baby but for new mums and dads too I decided to run my own class teaching others.

The classes that I run have been really well received, so much so that I often have a waiting list.

‘I’d certainly recommended the course to anyone interested in teaching baby massage, it’s a fantastic course. Sandra my lecturer had a real passion for infant massage and I met some lovely girls whom I’ve kept in touch with.

Lecturer Sandra Docherty who has enjoyed delivering the course, commented, “I am delighted to be able to offer this wonderful skill to massage therapists both locally and nationally as the only college based course of its kind in Scotland.

‘The opportunity to learn a full practical routine of the legs, abdomen, chest, arms, face and back compliments the importance of being responsive to baby signals, and how massage can positively affect the baby’s social and cognitive development.

'During the course the children from West College Nursery also joined the group to learn how to massage their siblings, Great fun!”

You could take the first steps to learning baby massage by completing our 12-week Infant Massage (Training to be a Trainer) course at our Greenock campus - click here for more detials.

This course is suitable for parents and carers, however, if wishing to progress to the Infant Massage Unit you should be qualified or working towards a facial or body massage qualification.