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West College Scotland hosted the national launch of the Scottish Government’s College Innovation Fund.

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The announcement of a half-a-million-pound fund was made by Paul Wheelhouse MSP, Minister for Business, Innovation and Energy, at an event showcasing the innovative work already being done by colleges across Scotland.

The fund will promote links between colleges and Scotland’s increasingly prolific innovation centres.

Launching the Fund at the Abercorn Conference Centre on the College’s Paisley campus, Mr Wheelhouse said:

“Scotland’s economic success has been forged on innovation – it is intrinsic to our culture and we want to extend this to all aspects of our society and economy, with a strong ambition to broaden innovation activity within our SME community.

I am delighted to launch the £500,000 College Innovation Fund, which arises from cross-portfolio work between economy and education Ministers within our CAN DO Business Innovation Forum, and which will support future job creation and skills needs, by increasing innovation and engagement between colleges and businesses, recognising the strong links colleges have with local businesses.

“The fund will establish dynamic links between our colleges and our innovation centres helping us drive increased productivity, competitiveness and growth, playing a vital role in creating the jobs of the future.”

The Minister then visited the exhibition area at the Abercorn Conference Centre and spoke to staff and students from West College Scotland, Forth Valley College and Dundee and Angus College. He also met some of the employers who the colleges are working with on product and workforce innovation.

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WCS Principal, Audrey Cumberford, who is also Chair of the College Innovation Working Group, said:

“This was an important day for West College Scotland and also for the sector as whole. Our College already has strong links with businesses across our region, especially with Small- and Media-sized enterprises.

“We want West College Scotland to be the natural choice for businesses looking for support and expertise to improve their performance through product or workforce innovation.

I am delighted that the minister took the opportunity to speak to those staff and employers who are already collaborating with each other to increase productivity and competitiveness through innovation.

“The College Innovation Fund will raise the profile of our work, putting colleges at the heart of the innovation landscape and show how we can do more.”