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West College Scotland are delighted to be involved in an exciting new project, delivered in partnership with Renfrewshire Council and the Glasgow Homelessness Network.

Keys to Learn 1

The Keys to Learn programme delivered in partnership with Renfrewshire Council and the Glasgow Homelessness Network is aimed at adult returners in the Renfrewshire area providing them with the skills and abilities to allows the students to move into positive destinations in further education, volunteering or employment.

The programme focuses on the development of self-confidence as well as providing skills for interviews and the workplace such as communication and presentation skills. The students also completed work placement opportunities within the local Renfrewshire area and with one student even working with the Construction faculty at West College Scotland.

The Keys to Learn programme has been delivered over an 8 week period at our Paisley Campus in partnership with Renfrewshire Council and Glasgow Homelessness Network. The learning has been fulfilled by our Essential Skills lecturing team, Martin Timoney, Donald Pirie and Dean Pattison. Now in the final week of the programme the learners will complete the project with a celebration event on 8th November at our Abercorn Conference Centre.

Dean Pattison, Communities Lecturer at West College Scotland said of the project,

“It has been our pleasure to meet and work with the participants on the Keys to Learning programme and from the outset they were keen to take part in all aspects of the course and the learning opportunity it provides.”

- Dean Pattison, Communities Lecturer at West College Scotland

He continued, “Upon completion of the course and with the opportunity to reflect and continue working with our partners I'm sure they will all go onto bigger and better things. On behalf of the staff at West College Scotland we wish them well on their journey.”

The partners were also delighted with the outcomes of the project. Fraser McKinlay of Renfrewshire Council commented,

“The programme has had a very positive impact on the participants, I have watched them learn and develop new skills over the past 2 months.“ Of the college he said, 

“I would like to thank Dean, Martin & Donald who not only helped the participants but also approached the course with a very understanding and professional attitude. Feedback from the participants regarding Dean, Martin & Donald was always of high praise. I look forward to working with West College Scotland and the 3 lecturers when we start a fresh course in the New Year.”

- Fraser McKinlay of Renfrewshire Council

One of the Keys to Learn programme graduates recognised the value of his experience. Chris Mitchell from Paisley, 22 said, “Keys to Learn has definitely opened doors for me, which I know will help me to get into work and further progress my career.  I had a great time and I would recommend the course to others.”

A second round of the project is planned for early 2019. Watch this space!