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WCS in association with UWS offer a range of digital CPD to local secondaries.

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West College Scotland is delighted to have been awarded funds from Education Scotland to help support Computing Science teachers across Renfrewshire, East Renfrewshire and West Dunbartonshire.

The funding will be used to deliver a mixture of face to face and online Career-Long Professional Learning sessions, which will look at JavaScript and show how it can be used across the curriculum - from Broad General Education through to Higher Level. The sessions will provide a chance for discussion amongst teachers/facilitator surrounding use of JavaScript and how different tools could possibly help. During the sessions, we will be using Micro:Bits to create some basic projects in JavaScript.

The first session is due to take place on 30th April at West College Scotland’s Paisley Campus with the further sessions being run as Online Sessions via Glow.

The funding has facilitated a partnership with University of the West of Scotland who will offer additional sessions in Networking and Databases, more details to follow.            

For more information contact Project Lead Amanda Ford on