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Nursery gets recognition score of “5-Very Good” from unannounced Care Inspectorate inspection

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West College Scotland’s Paisley Nursery was delighted to receive a score of 5 on a 6 point scale from their recent unannounced Care Inspectorate visit completed on 29th November 2018. The top rated score was awarded to both the quality of care and support and the quality of the environment.

Care Inspectorate unannounced inspections can take place at any time and the aim to provide members of the public with greater reassurance that the Care Inspectorate are considering experiences and outcomes for people in services that are operating as they usually would.

The report said that, “Management and staff had created a welcoming and friendly ethos in the nursery, where children appeared happy, settled and relaxed.” The report also highlighted how well the staff knew the children, their skills & knowledge of the children’s development and support of their needs commenting that the staff demonstrated that they were “caring, nurturing and responsive to the individual needs of children”.

Of the eighteen children that were present during the inspection visit the report stated that they presented as “happy and secure in their environment”.  The report observed resources that were fun and stimulating for the children involving creative and outdoor play as well as the promotion of positive behaviour through reward stickers and golden rules.

During the visit the inspectors also spoke with parents and again the comments were extremely positive with one parent commenting, "I'm very happy with West College Scotland nursery in Paisley. The people there are very nice, helpful and lovely. I think this is the best nursery in my area...really happy with them."

Overall the feedback was extremely positive with no recommendations or requirements being made or complaints upheld.  The College are delighted with the outcome, Iain Forster-Smith, Director of Student Services and Communities said of the nursery’s success,

“We are absolutely delighted with the outcome of the recent inspection of our Paisley Nursery and this outcome is a testament to the team’s hard work and dedication to ensuring a quality care and learning environment is provided to the youngsters in our care”

To read the full Care Inspectorate Report for West College Scotland – Paisley Nursery visit