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Congratulations go to our HND Interior Architecture and our HNC Graphic Design students that worked on a fantastic re-brand and refurbishment client project with Multan Tandoori in Paisley – Paisley’s oldest established Indian restaurant.


At West College Scotland we take great pride in our local partnerships and working with local businesses to give our students real life working projects.

Congratulations go to our HND Interior Architecture and our HNC Graphic Design students that l worked on a fantastic rebrand and refurbishment client project with Multan Tandoori in Paisley – Paisley’s oldest established Indian restaurant.

David Kandola, Owner of the 44-seater George Street restaurant got in touch with the College last year looking for some concept ideas for a face-lift for the popular curry haunt’s bar and restaurant areas.

After an initial consultation with the Graphic Design department, the project brief was to include logo redesign and typeface for all the branding in the restaurant. As the project gained momentum, the brief was expanded further to involve the HND Interior Design students to revamp the whole of the interior too. This included walls, floor, ceiling, tables, chairs and bar area.

David invited both the HN Graphics & HN Interior Design students into his restaurant for a site visit and to consult with him, he also visited the colleges Paisley campus to see progress. The next stage of the project entailed students presenting their (halfway stage) concepts to David in the restaurant. This was a great experience for students to gain feedback of their ideas to see if they were on the right track and received feedback from David whilst they were sitting in the premises.

Design Lecturer, Alison Quinn commented, ‘David’s passion for the project shone through from his initial meeting with the students. As the client, David provided valuable feedback to the students individually during the design process.  The great thing about Live Client Design Briefs is that they give the students real time experience and an opportunity to interact with the client directly.’ 

David said, ‘We’ve had our logo updated twice over the past 10 years, but we never considered an interior update other than wall colour palettes and table layouts. As the discussions went on, we were keen to see the dining area updated as well as the restaurant signage outside. We wanted to create a new dining area which is modern, cosy but yet have a personal touch to what the restaurant is about and that’s the love of Indian food.’

The final presentation was due to take place and prizes issued for 1st, 2nd and 3rd place. Sadly, we’ve not had the opportunity to pitch the final designs however, we’re looking forward to welcoming the students and David back onto campus in the new term. In the meantime, we’ve got some feedback from some of our students who were involved.

David commented, ‘The development of the student project came out extremely well, a lot of very unique outlooks and much variety. We’re looking forward to taking forward the winning designs and make them a reality – it’s the perfect way to showcase their achievements and show their hard work throughout this project.’

Curriculum & Quality Leader Billy Kinnear said,‘The Multan project has been a great success for our students and their client. The Art & Design department pride themselves on working on a high volume of ‘live client briefs’. This allows our students to engage with real industry and allows them to develop their skills and networking. They also have a chance to actively populate their CV, which is essential for their career.

It was a pleasure to work on this project on a large-scale with Multan, Graphic Design and Interior Design students. The standard of work was very high and they did themselves and the college proud.’

HNC Graphics Student: Sean Kelly

SEan Kelly


HND Interior Design Student: Abby Craig

Ronnel Caliwag: HND Interior Design

Andrew Eaglesham: HND Interior Design

If you’re creative and like to get involved with LIVE client briefs, then take a look at our September start courses - click here for further information or to apply.