In order to ensure that we are best prepared to support future students' studies, and so that students are prepared to join us here at West College Scotland, we have delayed the start date for all full-time courses.
If you have an unconditional offer, your course will now start in the week beginning 21st September, assuming that Scottish Government allows colleges to open our doors to students at that time.
We will keep in touch over the coming months to update you on developments and provide you with lots of helpful information, as well as enabling you to enrol in advance. We’ll also support you with a virtual induction programme over the summer to prepare you for joining your course and ensure that we have all the information to prepare us to best meet your needs, particularly under the COVID circumstances.
If you have an conditional offer, you should let us know as soon as you get the results you need to meet your conditions. Only then can we can give you a final offer on the course. If you don’t achieve your conditions, please don’t worry. Let us know and we can see if there is another course for you at the College.
If you have any questions at this time, please just get in touch with us by emailing