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West College Scotland has taken a lead role in developing a new course for Scotland’s colleges.

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The Introduction to a Career in Social Care course is designed to help people who are unemployed or at risk of becoming unemployed explore opportunities in a growing job sector.

Delivered via the online learning platform RISE, the Level 5 course, designed to take approximately 60 hours of part-time study over a 6-week period, allows participants to work through the learning materials at their own pace, and extend their learning through videos and links to further information. Subjects covered include: Duty of care; Care Standards; infection control; safeguarding and boundaries and digital enabled care.

Students also have access to a college tutor who can provide additional support, advice and encouragement.

On successful completion of the course and the awarding of certification participants are further supported in exploring their next steps, either into employment, or further courses of study in Social Care.  

Lead Writer for the course and Head of Care at West College Scotland, Jacqueline McLellan said: 

As the project lead I’m immensely proud of the amazing team who have been instrumental in creating this innovative course.

It has the potential to make a great deal of difference to many people – both those wishing to join the social care sector and those being cared for.”