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With an ever-increasing focus on mental health and wellbeing within our society, Sports Lecturer, Linda Boal felt it would be a mutually beneficial and engaging real life learning experience for our students to work with individuals who suffer with their mental health, with the goal of also removing some of the stigmas attached with this subject.

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Back in 2019, Linda approached, Development Assistant, Graham Cossar from local mental health charity RAMH, who support approximately 7,000 people a year promoting recovery from mental ill health, empowering individuals to build independent, fulfilled lives across Renfrewshire.

The partnership was formed, and they were keen on the idea of promoting exercise and physical activity into the centre user's daily routine.

Linda said,

“Initially some of our Sports students were worried and felt they may be out their comfort zone. Graham’s main concern was the clients turning up at Renfrew Leisure Centre each week, as he said early mornings were difficult for most as they didn’t sleep well due to raised anxiety levels. However, we were committed to making it work for all involved.”

In the first year of the programme, 10 individuals agreed to take part in the 12-week Personal Training programme ranging from around aged 30 to 70 years old with a mixture of both male and female participants. The outcome was outstanding with all 10 clients turning up each week in the early mornings for their Personal Training, rarely missing a session.

Linda said,

“Many clients were always there before 9am waiting patiently for their instructor. They were so grateful for the opportunity and felt really humbled to be there. For many it changed their perception of going to the gym. The students likewise found it a truly rewarding experience, friendships were made, the rapport was great, and they both learned to build trust with each other. There were not only physical results being made but psychological results too with clients feeling more confident and less anxious.”

Unfortunately, due to the pandemic, the partnership was unable to run as normal last year however they again joined forces this year with around double the number of participants, 20 clients taking part in the College’s Personal Training Programmes. Some of the RAMH staff have even taken up the opportunity to participate, recognising the importance of working on both our mental health and physical health, particularly in these challenging times.

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This experience forms part of the HND Fitness Graded Unit Module and after completing the programme with their clients, the students produce an academic written piece of research that backs up the training they have been doing along with their nutritional intervention and the clients underlying medical condition.

Graham Cossar of RAMH said,

" This is the 3rd year of partnership with the students at WCS. The personal training programme offered to RAMH clients allows people struggling with their mental health to sustain and improve their health and wellbeing by developing physical fitness. The previous year's feedback and results show the work done by WCS has a positive and long-lasting effect on those who chose to participate. RAMH view this as a hugely beneficial piece of work and one we would hope to continue to develop in future years"

HND Sports student, Natasha Barr said,

“The partnership between the college and RAMH has helped me find a new passion for helping people gain not only their confidence back but in my personal experience with who I've worked with also their ability to do things most people take for granted day to day, like walking or taking the stairs, and helping them gain even some of that ability back is life changing for them.”

She continued,

“Having done this class I have found that this is something I want to do more when I start working and I know that I will leave with all the tools and knowledge necessary to be able to help others in the same position. It has also been a big help with other classes on my course as I have found different ways of teaching exercises for different client groups through the research I have carried out.”