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The College Library team scooped the winning prize of £250 for their contribution to supporting the Scottish Library and Information Councils (SLIC) initiative ‘Keep the Heid and Read’.

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The initiative was setup to promote the health and wellbeing benefits of reading for just six minutes a day. The College Library team held drop-in reading sessions at each of our campuses, where students and staff could enjoy a bit of peace to read with a cup of tea and a biscuit. They also put together displays of reading materials, with the local history genre proving very popular, and held a prize-draw for book tokens.

The initiative culminated in a completion where participants were asked to submit their pictures document their events.  

Speaking to the Colleges Senior Librarian, Joy McLean who orchestrated the events, she said, “Keep the Heid and Read was a fantastic opportunity to collaborate with library colleagues across the FE sector, promoting the health and wellbeing benefits of reading. 

Libraries are an essential service within colleges, supporting students not just academically but with all aspects of their college journey. 

‘We had a wonderful day sharing the benefits of reading with our college communities and are surprised but pleased to have won SLIC’s photographic competition celebrating Scotland’s Reading Moment within Scotland’s Colleges.”

The team plan to spend the money updating their book collection.

Well done to all the staff in making these events such a success.