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West College Scotland was delighted to host an Employability Networking Breakfast at the Colleges Paisley campus organised by Renfrewshire Local Employability Partnership. The morning saw around 50 delegates including, local training providers and Employabity advisors enjoy breakfast rolls and tea and coffee provided by the College professional Cookery students before hearing about the range of programmes available to those living in Renfrewshire.

Hospitality 2

Speaking to Kay McIntosh, Partnership Coordinator at Renfrewshire Local Employability Partnership about the partnership and event, she said,

“I was delighted that despite the pouring rain we got such a great turnout. Our front-line advisors need to know what training opportunities are available locally so that they can give the best advice and support to Renfrewshire residents looking for work or to upskill and the training providers had lots of great provision to promote. The feedback from those attending has been very positive, and the college offered a very appropriate setting and great hospitality.”

As partners in the programme the College delivers several courses aimed at supporting unemployed people within the area to develop their skills and move towards sustainable employment in growing areas of the economy with expanding job opportunities.

Allan Dick, Economic Development Manager said,

“The programme offers a fantastic opportunity for local Renfrewshire residents to study a free, short part-time college course and gain work ready skills. After successful completion of the course candidates will be ready to enter employment or to continue further learning at the College!”

Jim McAlister, Head of Hospitality, Tourism, Languages and Business, commented

 “As a key partner in the programme we were thrilled to be able to host this in-person event. With the delivery of our own training and qualification in professional cookery and barista training, it was a great opportunity for the local employability advisors to see and hear first-hand about the facilities and training available.”

Find out more about our Barista and Front House and Employment to Chefs courses starting January.