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Having received funding from Digital Xtra we are delighted to once again be delivering our October break ‘Coding Club’ aimed at school girls from P5 through to S2 in Renfrewshire.

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Join us at West College Scotland for 3 days of creative coding fun.
Tuesday 18 – Thursday 20 October
10-3pm each day

Try our different coding activities and learn more about creating music, games and stories through various coding-based activities.

The club is open to girls P5 through to S2 who attend school in Renfrewshire 

Lunch is provided.

Day 1 – Great Games
This session will look at how to come up with an idea for a game before creating a prototype game in Scratch.

Day 2 – Super Storytelling
Learn more about using Twine to write and program your own choose your own adventure story.  

Day 3 – Marvellous Music
Learn how to use Makey Makey or microbits to get creative and make music. This session will use block-based programming and you will get the chance to try out both Makey Makey and microbits.

Limited places are avaibale so register your interest now!

Clcik here to register