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West College Scotland is excited to be named as a Supporter of the STEM Nation Award  programme. The STEM Nation Award programme celebrates, promotes and builds effective practice in STEM education within and across sectors.

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West College Scotland is excited to be named as a Supporter of the STEM Nation Award  programme. The STEM Nation Award programme celebrates, promotes and builds effective practice in STEM education within and across sectors.

The programme has been developed by Education Scotland to support early learning and childcare settings, schools and community learning and development providers to develop high-quality STEM learning in their setting and to celebrate their achievements along the way. 

As a STEM Nation Award Supporter, West College Scotland joins a group of not-for-profit and non-commercial organisations and third-sector groups who provide support and professional learning for STEM.

As of October 2022, 145 settings have registered from across Scotland. 44 settings have been awarded one or more elements and 23 settings have achieved the full STEM Nation Award. The College are currently the only further education provider in Scotland to receive the prestigious status as a Supporter joining STEM partners such as SSERC, Glasgow Science Centre, Dynamic Earth and University of Strathclyde to name a few.

Assistant Principal: Technology and Skills, Dr Lee Coutts said, “We are thrilled to be the first College named as a supporter of the STEM Nation Award.  The College is committed to developing STEM and supporting others to do the same.   We would be delighted to hear from anyone who is interested in developing their own STEM education.”