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West College Scotland is delighted to have for another year running, received £10,000 funding from the John Mather Trust.

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The money has allowed the College to provide additional resources to seventy-two students, college-wide, across four departments, helping to support them in their final stages of study and as the transition into employment and build a career in their chosen vocational area.

Tools of the Trade included:

Beauty – Gel Polish tools

Hospitality – Industry standard knife-sets

Motor Vehicle – Mechanical tool kits

Joiner – Joinery tool kit

Beauty Curriculum Enhancement Lecturer, Caroline Cullen, commented,

These tools and resources provide students the opportunity to perfect their skills to industry standards and prepare them for work.

'The students were so appreciative and thankful to be selected, granting them the freedom from monetary worries to enhance their skills, which in turn provides the most vital gift.”

Beauty student, Nicolle Condon said,

My colleagues and I appreciate this generous gift and will benefit greatly from these resources to enhance our skills and build our confidence, thank you.

Motor Vehicle Curriculum Quality Leader, Ryan Horn, commented, “We were delighted to be able to award our students with these starter kits which will aid them as they progress on to employment.”

Hospitality student Ryan Hamilton said, “I have loved being at WCS and I’m delighted to receive this award. The knifes are great and just what I need to start work.”

NPA Bricklaying student, Amy Colquhoun, commented: “I didn’t see the prize coming. I’m really thankful as it’s been a tough course but I’ve learnt a lot and I’m sad the year is coming to an end, it’s been a great experience. The lecturers have all been fantastic, it’s a really relaxed teaching environment and we’ve finished a lot of our coursework already – we’re well ahead of the game. I’m hoping to come back next year for an Apprenticeship in Bricklaying.”

Painting student, David McGregor, said: “I’m really enjoying the course, I get on well with everyone in the class.

Winning the prize is great – the toolkit will be a big help for work in the future. I’m excited to continue my four-year course and keep learning new skills.

We are extremely grateful to be able to gift students their equipment which will help provided a much-needed head start in the preparation for their new careers. We wish them the best of luck and thank the John Mather Trust for their continued support.