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Teaming up with local schools, Renfrew High and Park Mains High School the College welcomed female pupils to take part in a range of activities focused around computing and music technology.

Ada Lovelace Day

Founded by Suw Charman-Anderson in 2009, this international day of celebrations aims to raise the profile of women in science, technology, engineering and maths by helping people to learn about the achievements of women in STEM, whilst inspiring other and creating new role models for you and old alike. 

Kicking off the event was Computing Curriculum and Quality Leader, Iain Shand, with a ‘Keep Talking and Nobody Explodes’ activity, which highlighted how communication and teamwork is crucial. Working in teams the pupils had to direct each other away from the ‘bombs’ using a manual as a guide.

Pupils were then given a tour of the Music department facilities and shown how technology is being used within the industry, before joining Computer Lecturer, and organiser of the event Dr Amanda Ford for a coding workshop. This activity saw the students code a random generated poetry program with Microbit followed by the opportunity to create interactive stories using the programme Twine.

Dr Amanda Ford, commented, “It’s great to be able to offer this opportunity to these young ladies and give them not only some fun workshops to participate in but also an insight into the courses that we offer here at the College.

It was a successful day all round and a pleasure to work with these fabulous young ladies who were a credit to both their schools.