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Music students from our Greenock Campus celebrated their end of year showcase ‘Indie Party’ on Tuesday 28 May at The Beacon Arts Centre in Greenock. An unbelievable night of indie vibes and sensational performances saw 6 bands perform a 24-song setlist to a busy audience.

Greenock Music Showcase 3

Music Lecturer Hugh Cox commented: “Every year the showcase is a fantastic opportunity for students to gain some real-life live performance experience. Students have worked so hard all year so it’s great to see everyone enjoy themselves tonight as they perform to friends and family in the audience. I want to say well done to all the students – they’ve all done an incredible job!”

Up-and-coming local band ‘Wits’ were thrilled to play at the iconic Greenock venue. Formed in 2020 before lockdown, members credit West College Scotland for helping to bring the band closer together during their studies, with four out of five of the band studying Music at West. HND Music student, and band member, Sean Green, 18, from Greenock spoke about his college experience: “I’ve been at West since my NPA course and feel like there’s been a complete change in outlook in music – both socially and musically. Before coming to college we had already set up Wits but there’s been massive benefits from our time here for example: networking; being able to build on our personal careers; and receiving support on how to set up a business within this industry. We’ve definitely got stronger through college, having time to practice, work together on song ideas and songwriting sessions while on campus.” Sean continued,

“It’s great to have lecturers experienced in performance give individual feedback, they’ve been there themselves and know first-hand the challenges and opportunities available within the industry. I’m really looking forward to playing tonight, I’m nervous in the best way possible! I’d like to say a huge thanks to all my lecturers and staff at The Beacon.”

We wish Sean the best of luck as he hopes to progress onto 2nd year of BA Hons Music at Edinburgh Napier University.

Also performing were school-friends Neve Sheridan and Abbie Rennie, both 18 from Greenock. The former Notre Dame High School students are now both studying HNC Music at West and couldn’t wait to perform at the showcase. Performing together for just 10 months, Neve said, “We’ve performed together with the school choir before but nothing like this, I’m nervous but very excited. I’ve really enjoyed the course especially the composition aspect and being able to make up your own songs and soundtracks. It’s helped me be more creative and definitely helped with my confidence – having opportunities like this makes me want to perform more!”

Abbie commented: “I enjoy the theory part as that’s the base of all your music knowledge. We touched upon it a little bit in school but having more time in college to go into things in more depth really helps me to better understand the foundations of musical theory – now I’m like oh I completely get it.

Like Neve said this will be our first proper performance so I’m really excited and grateful to gain live experience.”

Having been inspired by their Music teacher at school, the girls plan to progress onto the HND Music course at West before applying to university and following their dream of one day becoming a Music teacher working to inspire the next generation of musical talent.


Performing alongside Neve was one of the youngest students on the HNC Music course – Logan Kirkwood. At only 17, Logan expressed how he didn’t expect to have this kind of performance opportunity so early in his career, he commented: “I really enjoy the live performance part. We touched upon it a little bit in school but nothing on this scale.

The course has definitely helped me to develop as an artist, I feel like I’ve grown so much and come out of my shell.”

Talking about his college experience Logan said, “I didn’t know anyone when I first started so it’s been great to meet new friends. I’ve enjoyed the composition aspect as it’s been great for my creative freedom and helped with my songwriting. I’m planning on going onto the HND course next year and looking forward to learning more and continuing to grow as an artist.”


The showcase also gave an opportunity for cross-departmental collaboration with TV Production students helping to film live performances on the night. Lara McPhee and Stacie Lewis, TV Production students at Greenock campus, commented: “It’s great to get hands-on experience, we’re really looking forward to the show.”

Well done to all students involved – a fantastic showcase of everyone’s hard-work and talent!