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West College Scotland, in collaboration with Energy Skills Partnership, was recently selected to host a pivotal focus group activity aimed at informing the Scottish Government’s Just Transition Team on significant regional and national advancements in Construction & Built Environment, Energy, and Transport sectors in relation to our adaptive curriculum. This initiative highlights the College's commitment to adapting its curriculum offering to meet the evolving needs of the industries and communities we serve

Renewable Energy Group Pic Res

The focus group, organised by the Energy Skills Partnership, recognises the college’s pivotal role in shaping the future of skills development in these critical sectors.

Head of Engineering Technologies, Sam Thomson said,

“With a diverse range of industry connections and a forward-thinking approach to curriculum development, West College Scotland is uniquely positioned to contribute valuable insights to the Just Transition Team. The focus group activity will provide an opportunity to showcase the college's proactive stance in preparing students for the future workforce and addressing the challenges of transitioning to a more sustainable economy.”

As well as the opportunity to observe sector leading green skills being taught at the College’s Clydebank campus such as Electric Vehicle Maintenance, the meeting also involved a visit to the neighbouring, District Heating Network which is the first large-scale water source heat pump scheme of its kind in Scotland and will make Clydebank one of the greenest areas in the country.

The insights gathered from this focus group activity will play a crucial role in shaping future policy decisions and initiatives aimed at facilitating a just transition to a more sustainable and resilient economy in Scotland.

Jim Brown, Director Energy Skills Partnership (ESP),

“It was fantastic to see the excellent work the college is doing in support of the energy transition and great that Scottish Government colleagues were able to join us to see the work to date and the colleges drive and ambitions for the future.”