“I heard about the course from one of my Lecturers from my course last year when I was studying my HNC. For me this course was more technical and really helped me to develop my skills in software such as Photoshop, Indesign, Illustrator and 3D max. It really helped me to see what else there is out there in the creative industry.”
“For me the challenges were working on the software as that was always something I struggled with, but I had lots of help when it was needed. There still is support from my lecturers – they are always there to listen and help where they can. They have especially been great with everything that’s going on in the world just now, offering us the support we need.”
“I want to work more on my portfolio and continue to learn different techniques that will help me to improve my work. I will keep working on my online shop and find some new fun and creative ways to add to it. I want to hopefully work with some other Artists out there and work towards my goal of being a children’s book illustrator.”
“Moya has been such a great experience for me and I can’t recommend being a part of it enough! As an artist who sells my work at comic conventions, I was taught so much more about that industry, working with others and how I can really get my work out into the world. I got the chance to meet new people and it was amazing getting to see how different peoples work is and how differently people operate. I also know that even in leaving college, I still have that support there. I got involved because I want to meet other artists and to learn new skills. it helped me not to forget about my personal work while at college - which a lot of people do.”
“I would recommend the college because it really has opened up many more opportunities for my future in the creative industries. At College, I was getting out more and seeing new places, as I had to travel a bit to get to college it made me look at things more and I believe I really have benefited from that. One of the projects was all about sites in Glasgow and taking part in that project really opened my eyes to all the places I could get inspiration from.”
“I feel like the course and the people I have met have prepared me to go out into the world of the creative industries. The course has made me work the hardest I have ever worked, but in the long run it really has been worth it. I appreciate the opportunities I have been given and I can’t thank my lectures enough for their support.”
CQL for Art Design & Interior Design, Billy Kinnear, has seen the MOYA program grow and is delighted with how the students have developed it into their own enterprise project.
MOYA gives our students a platform to showcase, not only their artistic talent, but also their business acumen. They get the chance to develop the kind of skills that will allow them to engage and interact with the commercial art world. They regularly demonstrate and display the work of students, themselves and third party groups, whilst working as ambassadors within their field of study. It has been a joy to watch students grow in stature and experience annually within this multi-award winning group.