Jayne McGibbon Peberdy is a testament to the transformative power of the SWAP (Scottish Wider Access Programme) courses and the opportunities they offer for positive progression paths. A former student at West College Scotland, Jayne recently celebrated a significant milestone: graduating from the University of Glasgow with a Law degree.

Jayne's academic journey began at the Greenock campus of West College Scotland, where she enrolled in the Access to Humanities course. However, her connection with the College started much earlier. "I did music technology when I was 16 and then an accounting course," Jayne recalls. Upon having her children, her education was put on hold. Reflecting on this period, she said, "It ended up being a good thing as I gained the life experience to really know where I want to go. And that is what is so great about SWAP. It gives us the chance to go for the career we want later in life."

Initially, Jayne was torn between pursuing law and psychology. "I loved the psychology courses during my SWAP course," she explained. After much contemplation, she decided to follow her passion for law, a decision that would shape her future career.

Returning to education as a mature student presented its challenges, especially after a 19-year hiatus since leaving school. Jayne also had to navigate her dyslexia, which had made essay writing particularly difficult. "My SWAP course helped me learn how to study, how to structure essays, and ultimately helped me learn how to learn," she shared. The supportive environment at West College Scotland played a crucial role in her success. "I loved the class I was in. I am still very good friends with some of my classmates. The lecturers were all lovely and very supportive, especially during lockdown."

Graduating from the University of Glasgow with a Law degree is just the beginning for Jayne. Her immediate goal is to pursue a diploma in legal practice, aiming to become a family and criminal law solicitor. Beyond her professional ambitions, Jayne is passionate about advocating for changes in domestic abuse laws, "I am hoping to campaign for change in domestic abuse laws to include child-to-parent abuse and parental alienation, which are ultimately ignored in Scotland."

Jayne's story is an inspiring example of how SWAP courses at West College Scotland can open doors to new opportunities and help students achieve their dreams, no matter their stage in life. Her journey from Access to Humanities to a law degree at a prestigious university underscores the value of lifelong learning and the supportive community at West College Scotland. Jayne’s achievements are a powerful reminder that with determination, support, and the right educational opportunities, anything is possible.