The Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002 provides a general right of access to information held by the College.  The College already publishes a great deal of information which can be accessed via the Model Publication Scheme.

Any recorded information you wish which is not held in the Model Publication Scheme can be requested under FOISA or Environmental Information (Scotland) Regulations 2004 (EIRs).  Your request must be submitted in writing, either by letter or email. Requests should include the information you require and must provide your full name and an address for us to respond to, this may be your email address.  You do not need to tell us why you want the information although by telling us it may help us to identify the information you are asking for. 

We will respond to your request within 20 working days although we may ask you for more details.

Send your request to us by email to:

Or by post to:

Freedom of Information

HR Department

West College Scotland

Paisley Campus

Renfrew Road




In most cases we do not charge for information.  There will only be a charge if you have asked for a lot of information.  In these cases we'll contact you and tell you about the potential cost and offer ways that you might narrow your request to get what you want without a charge. If you want to go ahead, we wait until the charge is paid before information is disclosed.  Charging information can be found in the Model Publication Scheme.

Please note:  Any request for personal information about yourself, or someone who has authorised for you to request personal information on their behalf, is called a Subject Access Request. Subject Access Requests are governed by the Data Protection Act 2020. Details of how to make a Subject Access Request can be found here

PDF Downloads:

Guide to information published by West College Scotland Under the Model Publication Scheme 2025