Frequently Asked Questions

What if I do not have a computer to apply online?

Please contact the Student Services Team at your chosen campus who will advise you further on the process.

Can I apply for funding before I accept a place on a course for the Academic Year 2024/25?

No, only once you have been offered a place on a course and you have accepted it, an email will be generated and sent to your email address that you supplied when you submitted your online course application

What information do I need to activate my account?

You will need your student reference number which will be detailed on the top of your invite to apply for funding email and on any other correspondence from the college.  This is your student matriculation number.  Once you have activated your account the student reference number will be your username

Do I need a username?

Yes, this will be the student number detailed on all correspondence from the College and will be detailed at the top of your invite to apply for funding email.

Can I apply for funding before I accept a place on a course for the Academic Year 2024/25?

No, only once you have been offered a place on a course and you have accepted it, an email will be generated and sent to your email address that you supplied when you submitted your online course application.

What information do I need to activate my account?

You will need your student reference number which will be detailed on the top of your invite to apply for funding email and on any other correspondence from the college.  This is your student matriculation number.  Once you have activated your account the student reference number will be your username.

Do I need a password?

Yes, you will be prompted to create a password at least 8 characters in length, which must contain a capital letter and a number (please keep a note of these details).

What information do I need to complete my application?

If you are applying for EMA, BURSARY or ACCOMMODATION funds you will need details of your household income and your Bank Account Number and Sort Code.

If you are applying for CHILDCARE, we also require the name and address of your childcare provider.

How do I know what evidence is required?

A list of evidence required will be shown on your application as you are completing it and after you submit. If you are unable to provide a piece of evidence when completing the application, you can click the ‘unable to upload’ option, this will allow you to submit the application. You will then be able to upload the evidence later.  

How do I upload the evidence?

Each evidence section has an ‘upload’ button to allow you to add the evidence to your application. We can accept pictures of documents uploaded from a mobile phone/tablet device providing the image is clear to allow the information to be read in full.

What if I am unable to upload documents?

If you are unable to upload any of the evidence requested, please contact the Student Funding Department who can advise on other evidence that may be accepted.

Can I check the progress of my application?

Yes, you can log back in to your account at any time to check on your application and see if the evidence uploaded has been accepted. You can also use the Communication tab to send us an email.

When will I receive my student funding award?

You should receive your award within 4/6 weeks from the date you applied with all the required evidence.  If you uploaded the evidence later than the application, it could take 4/6 weeks from when you uploaded the last evidence. Length of waiting time will be dependent on the volume of applications we have and if during our busiest times, this may take longer.

How will I receive my award?

You will receive your award by email.  Payment will be made on the dates stated on your Payment Schedule providing you have met the minimum requirements.

What if I do not agree with the funding I have been awarded?

Should you disagree with any decision made with your funding award you can appeal against this within 1 calendar month from the date of your award by stating clearly your reasons for appeal and supply any supporting evidence which you feel may be relevant to your case.  You should make your first stage of appeal to the Student Funding Team Leaders by emailing and your case will be reviewed. You will be advised of the outcome of your appeal by email within 14 days. 

If you still disagree with the decision of your award after the first stage appeal, then you may appeal a final second time.  You will be required to submit your appeal to Ann Rankin, Student Funding Manager with further explanation and supporting evidence to aid your case by emailing .  This must be done no later than 7 days from the date of your first stage appeal response.  Any appeals received out-with the stated deadlines will be disregarded.

I currently have a childcare provider can I continue to use this facility?

Yes, please provide name and address of your childcare provider in the childcare section of your application, provided they are approved by the Care Commission. There is also a Childcare Statement of Hours form on the application that is to be completed by your childcare provider.

If there is a delay in my application, will I receive the funding from the date I started the course?

Students will have a maximum of 6 weeks from the date they start their course to apply and submit all required evidence in order to have their award backdated. Applications/evidence submitted after the 6 weeks will be assessed on the date the fully completed application and final required evidence was received. This is in accordance with Scottish Funding Council Policies for funding.