Appeals 2024 overview

When you receive your results, if you’re concerned about a grade you can consider appealing against it.

Appeals 2024 is a free service and is available from results day.

You can appeal or, if you prefer, you can ask your parent, carer, school, college or training provider to appeal for you.

If you are thinking about appealing, you should discuss it with your teacher, lecturer or another member of staff to see whether it is in your best interests. However, you have
the final decision on whether to appeal.

The following link will take you directly to the SQA website page for the Appeals Service latest information  Appeals - SQA

For those students who wish for the College to submit an Appeal on their behalf, please contact your Curriculum Quality Leader or by the stated SQA deadlines.

The deadlines for the College appealing on your behalf are as follows:

  • Priority appeals – to be confirmed
  • All other appeals – to be confirmed

The following is a link to the SQA Appeals 2024 – What you need to know document ,which you may find useful. - this will be updated as soon as available.