Course Overview


This course has been designed for science technicians, science teachers or other individuals who require continued professional development in microbiology. The course is recommended to be undertaken every five years for those who already have the SSERC Safety in Microbiology qualification.

Candidates will need to demonstrate the knowledge and skills required to perform safe, practical microbiological techniques.

Course content will include:

  • Preparation and sterilisation of media
  • Autoclave use
  • Aseptic techniques
  • Sub-culturing micro-organisms
  • Disinfection and sterilisation
  • Treatment of spillages and safe waste disposal

Entry Requirements

It is aimed at those who have a previously completed the Safety in Microbiology (Level 3) course but who require an opportunity to refresh their skills.


1 day




£100 plus £50 certification 

Course Dates


My application

Find out more and Apply

To apply to this course or find out how we can best meet your specific needs, including by delivering tailor-made courses, please contact us.

Need funding? Visit our dedicated page to find out how you can get support.

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