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Home Fix Scotland, a leading maintenance company and part of the River Clyde Homes Group, has partnered with West College Scotland’s Level 5 Construction Skills course at our Greenock Finnart St Campus to support their work-based challenge project. The project involved the creation of mud kitchens, which were successfully delivered to three Inverclyde primary schools last week.

St Ninians

Throughout the academic year, Home Fix Scotland provided invaluable support to the construction students, including campus visits to monitor the project's progress, a site visit to one of their joinery workshops, and the donation of materials needed to construct the mud kitchens. This hands-on involvement helped the students gain practical experience and insight into the construction industry.

Last week, the completed mud kitchens were delivered to the delighted pupils at Newark Primary in Port Glasgow, St Ninians Primary in Gourock, and Gourock Primary School. The delivery was organised by Home Fix Scotland and involved a collaborative effort between staff from Home Fix Scotland, River Clyde Homes, and representatives from the construction course.

The mud kitchens were met with enthusiasm and excitement from the children, who eagerly began to explore and play with their new additions. The schools expressed their gratitude for the generous donation and the positive impact it will have on the children's outdoor play and learning experiences.

Schools Engagement Co-ordinator, Katrina Maxwell said,

"It was a wonderful experience to see the joy on the children's faces when they received the mud kitchens. This project has given the young people a great insight into the construction industry and the importance of community support."




Kirsty Conner, HR Officer at River Clyde Homes said, “Seeing the completed product was fantastic, and it was even better that Ben helped deliver them to the local schools. It has been great seeing the progress of the mud kitchens to then seeing how gratefully received they were by the children and teachers”.